About us

Founding Friends

Ghana Based. was founded by two friends Faith and Kojo of Ghanaian descent; thought with the yearly increase Ghanaian tourism -it was about time to have something to offer those flocking to Ghana. It's something to offer to all whether it's your first time coming to Ghana or your tenth, we want to have experiences avalaible to all. We've also worked really hard on creating the best relationships with the best local businesses in order to get the best prices for all experiences, guaranteed.

"You've got Tripadviser, Timeout London etc. but nothing for Ghana. We want Ghana Based. to be the go to place for all things 'What to do in Ghana'" - Faith
Ghana Based is an umbrella of the endless things to do in Ghana, from nature to historical to events. Having visited Ghana numerous times, we were fortunate to be well connected with friends and family based in Ghana who were ready to recommend to us places to go. We understand though that not every visitor would be so fortunate and it would be a shame to come to Ghana and miss out on the major gems it has to offer!

"Ghana is always evolving, Ghana Based. will evolve with it" - Kojo
It is also a community so we also don't want it to be a situation where we share one experience together and we go our separate ways, we always want to hear about your other experiences and hopefully there'll be another together even if its 10 years away. Feel free to follow us on socials or email!